MCTEAA Awards Breakfast Honors Exceptional Students and Businesses

Each year, the MCTEAA Awards Breakfast applauds outstanding career and technical education performers in the Macomb school districts.

With 235 career and technical education programs – including new cyber-security, computer programming and welding – the Macomb Intermediate School District provides students with career exploration opportunities while still in high school.

Each year, the Macomb Career and Technical Education Administrators Association, also known as the MCTEAA, honors some of the county’s most outstanding career and technical education students during its annual MCTEAA Awards Breakfast.

About the awards

“Each district can nominate two outstanding students and one outstanding business partner to be recognized for their work, their accomplishments and their contributions to career and technical education,” says Shannon Williams, MISD career and technical education consultant.

Williams leads the MCTEAA, which is a group comprised of CTE directors in Macomb County.

This group welcomed select students from Macomb County High Schools and Macomb Community College – along with their families, local legislators, superintendents and business partners – to its annual breakfast on Feb. 7, 2020.

Picking stellar CTE students

The 2020 MCTEAA Awards Breakfast, which is in its 30th year and took place at the Macomb Intermediate School District Educational Services Center in Clinton Township, saw 375 attendees. County Executive Mark Hackel provided certificates of recognition for each student honored and also presented a check for $1,000 to Romeo High School for their winning student video for Manufacturing Day.

See the video here:

With thousands of students enrolled in the 28 Macomb County High School career and technical education programs, it can seem hard to choose a select number of award winners. This process varies from district to district, Williams says.

“Many times the districts will look for students who have taken multiple career and technical education classes, who’ve really tried to glean everything they could from what was available in high school,” she says.

“Some districts will look at students who have maybe taken one career and technical education pathway but really seen it through,” Williams continues, “and they could be student interns now as a senior, actually working in industry with some of our partners.”

Some districts take a look at nontraditional students, such as females in construction or automotive.

“If there’s an outstanding student who fits that lane of nontraditional, some districts will recognize that,” she adds.

Choosing top CTE businesses

When it comes to choosing businesses, Williams says that each district’s decision varies.

“Some will be honored because they take on student interns, and they really help train our students outside of the normal school day,” she says.

Others could be honored because of sizable donations, while some could be singled out because they have a huge presence in the classroom and come in as guest speakers.

The winners

Four standout students received $500 scholarships this year. Two of the scholarships are provided by the MCTEAA, Williams notes, while one scholarship was also awarded by local business owner Dan Wesner from Wesner Tuxedos – a former award winner and breakfast attendee – and the Haynes Family Fund provided the fourth scholarship.

Diamond McBride from Van Dyke received the scholarship from Wesner Tuxedo, Corey Cranford from Lakeview received the Haynes Family Fund scholarship, while Jasmine Xiong from Warren Woods and Angelina Ingman from Richmond were the MCTEAA scholarship recipients.

“We just have a lot of outstanding students and outstanding winners,” Williams says.

For more information on the Macomb Intermediate School District, visit the MISD’s website.

For more information on living and learning in Macomb County, visit Make Macomb Your Home. Find more articles like this at Metro Parent’s A Family Guide to Macomb County.


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