Felix is an orange housecat who finds a baby bird in the backyard. He decides to help his new feathered friend – and shake up a few other local animals’ mindsets in the process.
That’s the premise of Let’s Change That! If Animals Can, We Can, Too!, a new picture book by Dr. Bashar Salame, a Dearborn dad of two young kids.
“Teaching our children about acceptance of others is the greatest gift we can give them,” says Salame, 36. His book uses critters to help overcome stereotypes.
Salame knows a lot about the importance of diversity and healthy living: He moved from Lebanon to Michigan at age 10 and is now a successful chiropractor.
The book is 24 pages, $9.95 and published by Northville-based Nelson Publishing and Marketing. Find more on Salame’s website.
Meet the Author
Bashar Salame appears at the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn on Saturday, Aug. 9 for a book signing of Let’s Change That! If Animals Can, We Can, Too!. Find more details in the Metro Parent calendar listing.