Parent’s question
Students across the street from our house go to an excellent Blue Ribbon School in another district. Our children’s assigned school, in a different district, is not nearly as good. I looked up all the students’ scores. I really want my kids to go to the neighbor’s school. What should I do? Just fudge our address?
Our answer
If you are considering transferring your children to the neighbor’s school, you should do it legally or totally forget about the move. Lying about your address is definitely a terrible example for your children. Plus, you will be constantly worried about being caught. If you are caught, there can be severe penalties – even jail time, in some cases.
Begin by calling your children’s school district and the other school district to find out about transfer possibilities. Consider also that there could be a more appealing school in your own district that your children might be able to attend. Do look into your district’s charter schools, as they may enroll children from less-defined boundaries. Plus, if either a husband or wife works in a business in a school district, it is sometimes possible for children to attend a school in that district.
Look into all these possibilities. If you are adamant about having your children attend a different school, you may need to move or consider a private school. Trying to whittle down your options? Check out the Metro Parent list of questions for a school. It’ll provide you with solid basics to look into – as well as questions specifically for private schools.