An Evening with John Hendrickson: Making Peace with a Stutter at Michigan League, Hussey Room in Ann Arbor

Michigan League, Hussey Room
911 N. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
John Hendrickson, author of Life of Delay: Making Peace with a Stutter, will speak in conversation with stuttering researcher Dr. Soo-Eun Chang, director of the Speech Neurophysiology Lab at the University of Michigan. This event will explore profound insights into Hendrickson’s personal experiences with stuttering and will also look ahead to the future of stuttering research and neuroscience-based treatments. Teens and parents who stutter or those interested in neuroscience research will find this talk especially meaningful. It will feature a Q&A, book signing and fall-themed refreshments. Registration required.
Event cost: Free
Event time: 7-9 p.m. Oct. 19, 2023
Additional Information
Age recommendation: Teens, Tweens