Blake Farms
17985 Armada Center Road
Armada, MI 48005
Families can enjoy an open-air market with more than 150 artisans featuring handcrafted products, sip lavender lemonade or ice cream and attend classes or speakers about gardening and wellness topics. For kids, there is a children's activity tent with crafts and entertainment and all families can enjoy the u-pick lavender fields.
Event Cost: $10/admission, free/ages 12 and under
Event Times: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. July 15-17, 2022
Additional Information
Website: https://blakefarms.com/event/blakes-lavender-market/
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5), Parents Only, Preschool, Teens, Toddlers, Tweens
Neighborhood: Macomb County