First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor
517 East Washington Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Ann Arbor Youth Chorale (AAYC) presents their 2nd annual Silent Auction and Chorale Cabaret fundraiser from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor. The evening features a fun variety show by Youth Chorale members; plus several en masse choir numbers. Exciting, unique silent auction items centered on local sports, museums, food, salon treatments, artwork, theater, music and more!
AAYC is a non-profit organization that has provided high-quality choral training and concerts to boys and girls ages 9-16 since 1987. Proceeds from this fundraiser benefit AAYC directly and ensure continued choral offerings to youth in our communities.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: aaycadmin@annarboryouthchorale.orgÂ
Neighborhood: Washtenaw County