Farmington Farmers Market
33113 Grand River Avenue
Farmington, MI 48335
The Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market opens for it's 26th season of community service on Saturday, May 18, 2019, with a special Grand Re-opening Celebration and Ceremony.
A short opening program in observance of Armed Services Day featuring a color guard, drum line and Miss Farmington performing our national anthem kicks off the festivities. After, the old market bell will ring, keeping in line with tradition during the opening of the market. Also on hand during the event is the Yankee Air Museum, which represents the Willow Run Bomber Plant, and the Strolling Rosie.
Grab that first outdoor hot dog of the season, served by the American Legion Walker Groves Post of Farmington, and enjoy a mayoral welcome, guest speakers, live entertainment, children’s activities, a chef demo and a free swing lessons by Swing Farmington.
The Farmington Beautification Committee will also be on hand giving away free sunflower seedlings that families can enter in the annual community "Sunflower Explosion" contest.
The Farmington Farmer's Market Opening Day Celebration is presented by Fresh Thyme and Beaumont.