New Center Park
2998 West Grand Boulevard
Detroit, MI 48202
Based on the classic comic created by Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy), written by Japanese anime legend Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) and directed by Rintaro (Galaxy Express 999), "Metropolis" is a spectacular film featuring stunning imagery and unforgettable characters.
In the industrial, tri-level world of Metropolis, Duke Red is a powerful leader with plans to unveil a highly advanced robot named Tima. But Duke Red's violent son Rock distrusts robots and intends to find and destroy Tima. Lost in the confusing labyrinth beneath Metropolis, Tima is beginning a friendship with the young nephew of a Japanese detective. But when Duke Red separates the two innocents, Tima's life - and the fate of the universe - is dangerously at stake.
This film is rated PG-13 and lasts approximately one hour and 48 minutes.
The New Center Park Friday Night Movie Series is sponsored by UnitedHealthcare. Free popcorn courtesy of ROK Construction Services and First Independence Bank.