The Hawk - Farmington Hills Community Center
29995 W. 12 Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Parents can drop their kids off at The Hawk - Farmington Hills Community Center to enjoy a night out without the younger ones. Make sure your child brings their bathing suit if they wish to participate in pool activities. Pool supervision will be provided. An emergency form must be filled out at check-in. For ages 5-11. Registration required.
Event cost: $25/resident, $30/non-resident
Event times: March 25 and April 29, 2022
Additional Information
Website: https://web1.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/mifarmingtonhillswt.wsc/search.html?primarycode=HR1001
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5)
Neighborhood: Oakland County