MLK Day of Service Friendship Circle
January is National Mentoring Month. Join YVC for our MLK Day of Service Project with the Friendship Circle to mentor and serve children with disabilities.
Volunteers will spend one-on-one time with children with disabilities at the Friendship Circle and engage in day camp activities such as crafts, sports and games, and a field trip. Register Here:
You do not need to be a member to participate. Transportation is provided. Volunteers should bring a lunch, a water bottle, and closed-toe shoes. This volunteer opportunity is for youth in grades 6th-12th.
Transportation to volunteer opportunities is provided. Pickup/drop off is located in two communities: Plymouth and Belleville.
Belleville/Van Buren/surrounding communities meet at the Belleville Library at 8:30 a.m. and will return to the Belleville Library at 4 p.m.
Plymouth/Canton/Northville/Livonia/Westland/surrounding communities meet at the Plymouth Library by 9 a.m. and will return to the Plymouth Library at 3:30 p.m.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: Taylor Tinsley, Youth Volunteer Coordinator
Age recommendation: Teens
Neighborhood: Oakland County