Lakes of Taylor Golf Club
25505 Northline Road
Taylor, MI 48180
Fish & Loaves Community Food Pantry is hosting the 10th annual Par for the Course Golf Outing on Saturday, September 15, at the Lakes of Taylor Golf Club. Fish & Loaves relies on the generosity of our donors and corporate neighbors like you for the proceeds from our events to stock the pantry shelves, so that families, seniors, and children in our area can continue to receive the nourishment they need.
Whether you participated in this fun and worthwhile event as a golfer last year along with 144 other golfers; or as a great sponsor like MASCO, Mans Lumber, Baker College, Carl’s Golf Land, DTE Energy, Ford Motor Company, Gleaners Food Bank, Load 1, UPS, UAW Region 1 among others, or if you have never participated, we invite you to join us this year to support our mission of “Ensuring No One Goes Hungry.” A day of golf includes 18 holes with a cart, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn and dinner with bar service. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team, closest to the pin and closest to the line. There will be opportunities to enter multiple raffles including 50-50, assorted gift baskets and a grand prize.
Last year’s golfers declared the event to be a success! They had the opportunity to spend time with colleagues, clients, family or friends knowing they were supporting a worthy cause.
If you are unable to participate in this year’s outing, there are multiple sponsorship opportunities available. I have also included a link to registration and or sponsor for your review. On-line registration: https://www.eventregisterpro.com/fishandloavesgolfouting-5
Additional Information
Contact Phone: email: mhollens@flcfp.org, phone: 734-992-6284
Website: http://www.lakesoftaylorgolf.com/343/Lakes-of-Taylor
Neighborhood: Wayne County