Chelsea High School
740 North Freer Road
Chelsea, MI 48118
Bring your friends and family to the first ever Chelsea Family Wellness Fest.
Event entry is donation based and will provide funding for Cancer Support Community's free support services including exercise and support groups for families impacted by cancer, which is now provided at St. Joseph Chelsea Cancer Center. A portion of the money raised will be used for Cancer Support Community’s Sprout Love Financial Assistance Fund that aids people in the Greater Washtenaw County Area who are experiencing financial toxicity as result of cancer and its treatment. The event is open to all and features a one hour yoga class for all ages and skill levels, community partner booths, an inflatable obstacle course, food trucks, children’s activities and more!
Sprout Love, a fundraising initiative of the Cancer Support Community (CSC), was created in memory of the vibrant spirit and energy of Maureen McCurren. Maureen was a yoga instructor at the CSC and later utilized the services offered at the center. Through her journey and her in depth understanding of the human spirit, she recognized the importance of the type of support offered at the Cancer Support Community and was dedicated to sustaining its mission. The initiative raises funds to support programs at the Cancer Support Community and the development of a new Financial Assistance Fund for people who are experiencing financial hardship during their cancer treatment.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: Erin Kelly
Website: http://www.chelsea.k12.mi.us/
Neighborhood: Washtenaw County