Novi Parks and Recreation
45175 West 10 Mile Road
Novi, MI 48375
Behind every innovation, every creation, every invention that we enjoy, is a dreamer and a thinker; someone willing to put current conventions aside and dream about "what if;" someone willing to make mistakes and see "opportunity;" someone willing to get messy, think big, follow their passion, and do what's not been done before; someone like Northville Public School students.
On April 25th, hundreds of thinkers, dreamers, creators and inventors from Northville Public Schools will share their "tinkerings" with peers and the community during this one-day Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) Fair.
This year, students will stretch their imaginations, use their quills, codes, contraptions, concoctions, compositions and dream up their own creation, create it and then guide others to experience it.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: Kelly Masters
Website: http://www.cityofnovi.org/Government/City-Services/Parks,-Recreation-and-Cultural-Services.aspx
Neighborhood: Oakland County