Spring-a-Ling at Southfield Parks & Recreation Building in Southfield

26000 Evergreen Road
Southfield, MI 48076
Participants of Spring-a Ling enjoy parking lot performances by the magician, a petting zoo, three family-favorite costumed characters and a stilt walker. See "The Bunny" for a goodie bag for kids ages 2-13 years old. Registration required.
Event cost: $5/residents, $10/non-residents
Event time: 4-6:30 p.m. April 8, 2022
Additional Information
Contact Phone: 248-796-4620
Website: https://www.cityofsouthfield.com/departments/parks-recreation
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5), Preschool, Toddlers, Tweens
Neighborhood: Oakland County