Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center in Ypsilanti
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center
5305 Elliott Drive
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
"Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do" is a free, ongoing, two-part series.
Part one is presented on the first Tuesdays of October, November and January through June (EXCEPTION: second Tuesday of January 2019) and provides information about teen substance use, including signs and patterns of a substance use problem.
Part two is presented on the second Tuesdays of October, November and January through June (EXCEPTION: second Tuesday of January 2019,) and has break-out sessions for adults to learn strategies to effectively help when adolescent alcohol/other drug use is suspected or identified and for teens to explore the personal effects of substance use. Part Two ends with adults and young people together hearing a talk by a young person in recovery from a substance use disorder.
The series is held from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, and is presented by Dawn Farm Youth and Family Services therapists. The series is co-sponsored by Dawn Farm, the Ann Arbor Public Schools, the WISD/LESA Health Educators’ Learning Network (supporting and advocating for Whole School, Whole Community, and the Whole Child Approach-WSCC,) and Saint Joseph Mercy Health System Greenbrook Recovery Center.
All programs are free and open to all. The series is inclusive of parents/guardians, teens, other family members, professionals and students – all are welcome. Registration is not required. A certificate to document attendance can be provided on request.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: 734-485-8725
Website: http://www.sjmercyhealth.org/body.cfm?id=33
Age recommendation: Parents Only
Neighborhood: Washtenaw County