Crosswinds Marsh
27600 Haggerty Road
MI 48164
We need your help removing the weedy plants that have invaded our butterfly garden and wildflower garden at Crosswinds Marsh. Whether you have a "green thumb" or not, you can help us bring these gardens back to the native plant gardens they were meant to be to attract butterflies, hummingbirds and other wildlife. Prize giveaways will be awarded to those who pull the most weeds!
Pre-registration is required. Call 734-654-1220 to pre-register. There is no fee for this event. Thank you for helping us maintain our flower gardens!
Additional Information
Contact Phone: Kim Healy
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Crosswinds-Marsh-Wetland-Interpretive-Preserve-193757317393074/
Neighborhood: Wayne County