It’s time for the fourth lesson of the 2019 Virtual Camp, brought to you by Metro Parent and Michigan Science Center: water filtration!
Swimming in the pools, trips to the beach, taking cool showers on hot days … Summertime really makes you appreciate water. Good thing it’s a renewable resource! But would you ever drink the water you hosed off in? What about the water someone else showered in? Yuck!
Well, guess what. You already do!
Don’t worry, though: The water you use every day goes through an intense cleaning process to make sure it’s clean and safe. So you can rest assured that while dinosaurs may have walked through the water you drink, it was cleaned many times before it got to your faucet.
Here, find out how to make your own water filtration system to see how water is cleaned by watching the video. Then, get the guide for the step-by-step directions – plus cool water trivia and extra resources. Take the quiz when you’re done for a chance at great prizes.
And don’t forget to snap pix of all the fun you’re having and post to Instagram with the hashtag #MPcamp!
1. Watch the operation filtration experiment.
2. Download your free operation filtration guide.
Create your own water filtration system, plus discover some cool water trivia and resources.
3. Take the operation filtration quiz.
Test your science smarts.