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A mom of two shares her opinion on middle school dating and sheds light on why she'd allow her kids to start dating that young.
A mom from Romulus thinks that kids should wait until adulthood to experience love. Here's why she thinks dating starts at 18.
Whether it's midterms or finals, high-pressure tests can cause stress. These tips will help frazzled teens pass – and even pull an A on – the next big exam.
Even in earlier grades, the culture created by school staff can make or break a young child's education. Here's how to find a good elementary school culture.
One of the most impactful ways to prepare children under 3 for the rest of their lives is talking to them in 'thick' conversations. Here's a look at how to do it.
A trio of moms in southeast Michigan pooled their talents to create a clothing and goods line called Eighteen FF Apparel, which also aims to inspire their kids.
This talented teen virtuoso has been playing since she was 9. Learn more about Detroit's own Kym Brady, aka The Urban Violinist.
Grades and test scores have a connection to emotional intelligence in children, a new study says. Learn who – and how to give your student an EQ boost.
Letting youth know they're not alone – and helping adults broach tough subjects with them – is the goal of the Washtenaw County #wishyouknew campaign.
Metro Parent's editor-in-chief talks about how she used to learn, how other generations learn and how education changes over time.
Managing how some young kids 'fall apart' after school can be tough, but parents can breathe easy knowing there are ways to help those after-school meltdowns.
February is the month of love, football and, of course, black history. Get information on Civil Rights hero Claudette Colvin, Super Bowl stats and more fun February facts.