These days, texts and chats seem more common than a good old-fashioned IRL banter. But Kate, 7, of Birmingham and Eleanor, 4, of Royal Oak definitely gave us hope that the art of conversation is alive and well with kids!
These two chatty gals gabbed it up for the cover story of our April 2015 issue of Metro Parent. We took a closer look at how conversational skills are more valuable for kids than ever – and offered 10 tips to get your kids to get comfortable with everyday convo.
So, of course, we had to have a little chat of our own with these little cover ladies! From cooking to school to board games, find out what we discovered about Kate and Eleanor in our video – all topped off with a great joke from both:
For a second year, Metro Parent teamed up with MESP (that’s the Michigan Education Savings Plan) to host our CoverKids contest – and invest in local kids’ futures. Think of MESP as a 401(k), only for your child’s college, vs. your retirement. The money you put in it is tax-free, thanks to its federal “529” status. You can start one up with just $25, and contribute as little as $15 per pay period. There’s no limit to how much you add annually, though the max account balance is $235,000. Your kid can ultimately use the cash for tuition, room and board, and other college costs.
Interested in your kid being on the cover of Metro Parent magazine? Check out the Metro Parent CoverKids page. The 2015 deadline was March 31, but keep an eye out for details on the winners – and the 2016 competition.