The CDC recommends that kids over the age of 6 months get their flu vaccination every year. In 2020, public health experts say this is especially important because of the coronavirus pandemic, but a recent poll from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital found that not everyone is taking that advice.
In fact, the poll, which is based on the responses of 1,992 parents of kids ages 2-18, found that 32% of parents (about 1 in 3) say that their child is unlikely to get their flu vaccine this year, with the top reasons being concerns about vaccine side effects (42%) or the belief that the vaccine is not necessary (40%) or effective (32%).
Of those who are unlikely to get their kids vaccinated this year, 1 in 7 say they are skipping the vaccine because they are trying to keep their kids away from health care facilities due to COVID-19 concerns.
On the flipside, the poll found that two-thirds of parents are planning to get their kids the flu vaccine and that 96% of those who got their kids vaccinated last year are planning on getting the vaccine this year — only 28% of those who did not get the vaccine last year are planning on it this year.
For more information or to read the full findings of the survey, visit the Mott Poll Report. You can also find information about the CDC’s recommended vaccination schedule here.