Ever feel like your newborn's missing a little something – say, a full head of hair? No worries. Baby Bangs has the solution to your child's dire dilemma: all the wigs your little girl has ever wanted.
You read right. Baby wigs. (Because every newborn's wailing for one!)
These pretty little pre-cut "HAIR+band" accessories, available in six different natural hair colors and five fancy styles, all started with mother-daughter team Lisa Griggs-Campbell and Whitney (plus modeling granddaughter, Wren.)
According to the website's "'F'HAIR'y' Tale of Baby Bangs" history, Lisa, an established hair-replacement artist, was inspired to experiment with miniature hair pieces after Wren, her first grandchild, was born.
Now Baby Bangs, the "first and only Ready2Wear hairstyle-hair band," has the woodland-fairy look you've been searching for at your fingertips – all for a $30 price tag. Or, as the site declares, these girly get-ups can finally fix those "I'm not a boy!" problems your little princess may be having. (Speaking of boys, who says they're happy being bald? The site has yet to launch a line of mini iconic Bieber bobs – but one day, well, you never know.)
Some say these wee wigs are superficially instilling the societal need of buy-and-improve-beauty at the youngest age possible (Toddlers & Tiaras, anyone?). Yet others still claim they're harmless: Maybe your 3-month-old just wants to be a fairy-elf for Halloween.
Personally, I prefer the Anne Geddes innocence of bald-baby beauty. But either way you do the 'do (or don't), newborns everywhere can now go from Pampers to prima donnas in seconds, if they ever did please.