Dad-Daughter Girl Scout Cookie Remix Goes Viral

Not much beats Girl Scout cookie season, except maybe a dad who helps step up his daughter's cookie peddling game with a viral hit about each flavor.

Ladies, do you remember selling Girl Scout cookies as a kid? I sure do. My troop would set up shop in the main branch of the Monroe County Community Credit Union Saturday mornings and we’d use our cute 6-year-old smiles to peddle our Thin Mints, Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties.

Truth be told, that was probably really the only time that I actually sold any of the cookies myself. Sure, I’d take my little cookie sheet and ask my aunts and uncles, and man the booths when they were set up, but really it was my mom and our troop leader that did most of the heavy lifting when it came to cookie sales.

And these days, some of the ladies that I play roller derby with still carry around boxes of Samoas and Tagalongs (formerly Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties) to our practice – the same way that my mom lugged boxes of cookies to work and everywhere else that she went – in hopes of making a sale to hungry derby girls. And they do.

Of course, it’s ultimately the child’s responsibility to sell the cookies. The whole point of the cookie sale is to teach the girls people skills, entrepreneurship and responsibility, but as any parent of a Girl Scout knows, cookie season is truly a family affair.

Everyone gets involved in selling those tasty treats to ensure their little Daisy or Brownie gets to go to camp that year. But unlike past years, parents now can get really creative with how they’re helping their kids sell their product.

Take, Seymore Harrison Jr. His 6-year-old daughter, Charity Joy, is selling cookies for her Daisy troop this year. Instead of hitting the streets, though, Harrison and Charity Joy hit the internet and made a video to the Childish Gambino’s song “Redbone.” And it went viral.

In the video, the daddy-daughter duo is in a car. Charity Joy is in the back seat sporting her troop 18440 vest and dad is in the front. The soulful melody kicks in and the little girl holds up a box of Thin mints singing “Thin Mints, you want to order some before it’s too late.” She switches out her Thin Mints for some Trefoils and continues: “We also got Trefoils and they taste great,” as she bops along to the music.

The next line is about Tagalongs making you feel fine. Then, dad jumps in with a few lines of his own and then the pair close the video out with a duet about Samoas and how you should “stay woke” and “buy these cookies” before it’s too late.

Watch the video for yourself:

So far, the video has racked up over 2 million views and dad reports that it even got his daughter some cookie sales. And we think that this is totally awesome on more than one level. Dad got in some bonding time with his little lady, taught her the importance of marketing your product and helped her sell some cookies.

That’s some fun and fantastic parenting!

Do you have memories of selling Girl Scout cookies or tips on how parents can get word of their troop’s sale out there? Let us know in the comments.


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