Free Condoms for Sixth Grade Students

An 11-year-old in the San Francisco Unified School District will soon be able to walk into the nurse’s office and get a free condom.

Yes, 11. Let that sink in for a moment.

San Francisco’s ABC 7 News reports that the San Francisco Board of Education unanimously approved the expansion of the district’s Condom Availability Program to middle schoolers. Since 1992, free condoms have been available to high school students, The Stir notes.

The tweens won’t have to get permission from mom and dad to obtain the condoms, either. As you can imagine, ABC 7 News reports that some parents are fuming over the district’s decision.

“We have to sign a consent form for them to go on a field trip, but we don’t need to know if they’re getting a condom?” one parent says, according to the news station.

Middle schoolers in the district are between 11 and 14 years old and now will have access to free condoms so they don’t have to brave a trip to CVS or any other pharmacy – or worse, have unprotected sex.

A press release from the district notes that students will have to meet with a nurse or school social worker first and receive “assessment, education and intervention.” Once the nurse or social worker decides its appropriate will the student be given the condom.

“They will also be informed that abstinence is the only 100 percent effective method to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections,” the press release notes.

If you think 11 years old is too young for sex, you’re not alone. It’s really young. While the average age of first-time intercourse is 17, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some kids will not wait that long. That’s just the truth.

So, this is why I don’t think this district’s decision is a terrible idea. I know some of you are reading this and yelling at me through the computer screen, but I believe it’s better to educate children about safe sex than it is to simply tell them not to do it.

If they want to have sex, they are going to have sex. Do you really want your 11-, 12- or 13-year-old to have unprotected sex and end up pregnant or with a sexually transmitted disease? Or would you rather they receive a free condom to be safe during sex? I’d prefer the free condom for my kid – but that’s just me.

Do you agree with the district’s decision? Tell us in the comments section.


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