Girl Trains Her Bird to Attack Anyone She Screams At

Tippi Hedren better watch her back. A young bird trainer has figured out how to command her pet bird to attack, making it the stuff of Hitchcock's nightmares.

If you’re a fan of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary but weren’t freaked out enough by the scary movie remake, then head to Twitter to watch a real-life terrifying child/pet duo.

Twitter user @Apex_sH posted a video on April 30 of his niece and her parrot. The girl, around age 4, is standing on a bed in a kitten T-shirt while her orange-and-green bird perches on the headboard.

They are the picture of innocence at the start of the video. That quickly changes when the girl looks at the camera and lets out a shrill scream – to which her feathered friend responds by aggressively flying toward the camera-person, who makes for a quick retreat.

The three-second video quickly went viral, with 1.85 million likes, 15,000 comments and almost 600,000 retweets. The original poster was even acknowledged by @BrotherNature, an internet sensation who became known for vlogging his interactions with animals after filming his feeding of Canela the deer and her friends in 2016.

In short order, the Internet transformed the girl and her bird into a meme and likened her to all sorts of fictional characters with powers to control animals.

Twitter user @antonioenygma summed it up well by writing, “She’s a Pokemon trainer/Snow White/Avengers/member of the Justice League at the same time.”

A couple of references that user missed were mentioned by plenty of others – including Daenarys Stormborn from Game of Thrones, the pigeon lady from Home Alone 2 and Black Canary from the DC comic universe.

Many users were just as confused as we are about how something could be so cute, yet so terrifying at the same time. Like @cryderman666 who says, “She’s very cute, but she might be from hell.”

The original poster also said that Bird Girl – the girl’s uncontested superhero name – has a birthday coming up.

We don’t know yet if she uses her powers for good or evil, but it’s safe to say you should stay on her good side by wishing her a happy bird-day.

What do you think of this story and have you ever trained a pet to do something strange? Tell us in the comments.


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