First, parents in Manhattan were paying $400 an hour for play date consultants. Now, they’re hiring people to help potty train their children – and, according to ABC News, potty trainers are “the latest in outsourced parenting.”
When it comes to being a mom or dad, taking the bad with the good is just part of the deal, right? Not if you’ve got the cash to let someone else take over. Let’s face it: Potty training is a messy, not to mention stressful job – and someone’s got to do it. So why not hire a professional to help your toddler go No. 2 like a big boy or girl? NYC Potty Training Inc. offers this special service.
The company’s founder, Samantha Allen, is no stranger to kid poop. In fact, she spent years working with special needs children, and teaching them to use the bathroom was her specialty.
The price of potty-ing is a hefty one. ABC News reports that Allen’s services are $1,750 for a two-day session and $925 for a one-day session. On the company’s website, you can choose a cheaper option of working with a certified teacher or a professional trained by NYC Potty for $680 and $340 for one-day sessions – or $1,260 and $570 for two-day sessions.
But the big payoff? The website touts: “So far, all of our little friends have been successful – not wearing diapers and staying dry all day – after potty training with one of our NYC Potty Training experts for two days (or less!).” You also get a “customized plan” to reinforce the lessons for the following one to two weeks.
When it comes to parenting, how much should you handle and how much should you outsource? If you’re an impatient parent, is it OK to let someone else handle the dirty work – or does it sort of defeat the point?