Like you, our staff is looking forward to what 2021 brings. We asked them to share their New Year’s resolutions and thoughts for the New Year. Here’s what they had to say.
COO & Content Director: Julia Elliott
I know that the things that have made 2020 such an especially awful year won’t magically lift when that ball drops. So I’m keeping my resolution simple for 2021: Seek joy whenever and wherever I can. I’m going to eat more popcorn, stop and sing along to my favorite songs, and try to do less of what my head tells me I “need” to do and more of what my heart tells me I “want” to do.”
Contributors: Danielle Braff
Eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate … unless milk chocolate is my only option. Dark chocolate is sorta healthy, and this is as far as I’m willing to deprive myself this year. Perhaps I’ll have more energy, motivation or stamina to have a deeper, harder or better resolution next year. But for now, this will do.”
Senior Graphic Designer: Lindsey Lawson
I used to make resolutions, but realized that creating a grand plan to make a change at the start of a new year was setting myself up for failure. I would ultimately always fumble a couple months in and then feel defeated. Instead, when I need a change or to start something new, I work on it. For me, personally, a better version of myself or starting something new shouldn’t have to wait until the start of a new year.”
Senior Media Strategist: Linda Holland
Mine is more of a daily intention than a resolution: To be grateful – intentionally grateful – for everyone and every blessing I have today.”