Elsa’s Eggnog Recipe from Entertaining With Disney

Sip like a princess with this recipe for Elsa's Eggnog, inspired by the Frozen movie empire, and featured in Amy Croushorn's 'Entertaining With Disney' book

The frosty season is fast-approaching – and so is the release of Frozen 2 (launching on Nov. 22, 2019, to be exact). Toast both with a batch of easy-peasy Elsa’s Eggnog. It’s a sweet treat that kids can help make.

Want to kick it up a notch? Try to make your own ice cream with our roundup of six different flavors. Tap or click on the first option, which is a simple vanilla ice cream – which is precisely what this recipe calls for.

This recipe will yield 10 servings, so it’s a perfect choice for your next winter kids party. Or simply scale down the measurements to make a round for your family.


  • 1/2 gallon eggnog
  • 2 liters lemon-lime soda, chilled
  • 10 scoops of vanilla bean ice cream
  • Ground nutmeg for garnishing


  1. Combine eggnog and soda in a large drink dispenser.
  2. Add scoops of vanilla ice cream to look like melting snow.
  3. Garnish with a dash of ground nutmeg.
  4. Serve in small clear glasses.

This recipe was reprinted with permission from Entertaining with Disney: Exceptional Events From Mickey Mouse to Moana! by Amy Croushorn, published by Insight Editions/Disney in 2019. Snag a copy for yourself on Amazon for about $22.

Metro Parent Editorial Team
Metro Parent Editorial Team
Since 1986, the Metro Parent editorial team is trained to be the go-to source for metro Detroit families, offering a rich blend of expert advice, compelling stories, and the top local activities for kids. Renowned for their award-winning content, the team of editors and writers are dedicated to enriching family life by connecting parents with the finest resources and experiences our community has to offer.


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