Wooden craft sticks are a must-have in any one’s craft supply stash. They’re great as a crafting tool on their own or as the basis of a whole entire project. As we enter into the holiday season, with Halloween up first, now is a great time to make sure your child has a variety of craft stick sizes on hand! Just what can they make with these wooden sticks for Halloween? Take a look at this week’s roundup to find out!
Popsicle Stick Pumpkin Magnet
Wooden craft sticks make for a perfect pumpkin face. This Girl’s Life shows you how small sticks can be turned into a cheerful pumpkin magnet.
Easy Halloween Popsicle Stick Puppets
These puppets from Crafty Morning are easy to make and very cute. After making a few of these, a puppet show is a must!
Popsicle Stick Candy Corn
You MUST have some candy corn during the Halloween season! Make the DIY kind by transforming a set of craft sticks into a piece of candy just like Glued to My Crafts did.
Popsicle Stick Spider Web Craft for Kids
Spider webs get the Halloween color treatment in this idea from Buggy and Buddy. Try making a bunch to hang in your window for a fun Halloween decoration.