Kids of all ages (including us grown-ups) are fascinated by dinosaurs, and for good reason. From cartoons to science books to museum exhibits, dinosaurs are a group we’re always curious to learn more about. For the dinosaur lover in in your family, keep their imagination going with a few dinosaur crafts this week. Today’s roundup has a few ideas to get those dinosaur creative wheels turning in no time!
Popsicle Stick Dinosaur
This small dinosaur is so cute your child is sure to want to make several! Glued to My Crafts turns to Popsicle sticks for this dino DIY.
Tissue Paper Dinosaur
These glued tissue paper blooms make for one soft-looking dino! J-Man and Miller Bug turn small bits of green tissue paper into one clever craft idea.
How to Make a Paper Dinosaur
Paper plates strike again! Good to Know uses a basic paper plate to create this charming paper dinosaur.
DIY Paper Dinosaur Hat
Why not dress up like a dinosaur today?! If your child’s dress-up calls for some dinosaur accessories, Cutting Tiny Bites has you covered.