Kick off the Earth Day festivities a day early when the Green Team of Huron Valley, in partnership with Carl's Family YMCA, hosts the Earth-Friendly Family Fun Festival in Milford, April 21, 2013.
This event – now in its 7th year – kicks off with a tree ceremony, where all visitors will be given a tree seedling plant. Your youngsters can remember this day every time they watch their red or white pine trees – which are indigenous to Michigan – grow throughout the years. Kids can also visit numerous education stations where they can learn about renewable energy, electric and hybrid cars, and "green" cleaning.
At this eco-friendly event, tots can also participate in activities and create "green" crafts, courtesy of YMCA and Building Blocks Preschool. That's not all, though. Families can also watch and an environmental dance, drumming and a community spiral dance celebrating all of the wonderful things Mother Earth has provided us.
For all the fashionistas, Earth-friendly doesn't have to mean non-trendy, because you and your kiddos can check out all of the hottest new sustainable trends at the Green Fashion Show – organized by some fashion-forward students, Freedom Treasures Resale and the Salvation Army.
Don't forget to recycle your old shoes, eyeglasses, cell phones, chargers and hearing aids while at this event. Also, bring your non-perishable items for community sharing; The Salvation Army will also be taking donations.
This event is free and will begin at noon and end at 4 p.m.
See the Metro Parent listing for more on the Earth-Friendly Family Fun Festival at Carl's Family YMCA in Milford.