Elephant Crafts for Kids

As you may know, Aug. 12 is World Elephant Day and you and your child can help The Nature Conservancy reach its goal of collecting 20,000 #Elegrams by creating a DIY elephant piece of artwork. If you’re looking for some inspiration to get your family started, check out this week’s roundup of elephant crafts for kids. We’ve got a few posts to get you going as you take time out to help raise awareness about saving the planet’s elephants.

Horton Hears a Who! Mask

Here’s a recognizable character! Your child can make his own mask thanks to this how-to from Mamas Like Me.

Elephant Coloring Pages for Big Kids

While Easy Peasy and Fun created these pages for older kids, they still work for crafters of all ages who love to color. Download a free coloring page as a kick-off to your #Elegram creating.

Cupcake Liner Elephant Craft

Running a bit low on craft supplies but still want to help the cause? Take a cue from I Heart Crafty Things and make an easy, but adorable elephant out of cupcake liners.

Milk Jug Elmer the Elephant Craft

Who knew milk jugs could be great for making elephants? The Imagination Tree shows you how an empty container can be recycled into a colorful elephant.


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