This brag board is easy to make thanks to a newer product from Duck Brand duct tape. The company has created cork duct tape for a variety of crafty uses. While the suggestions shared on the package are more decorative, this tape can actually be used displaying small cards and favorite photographs. Take a look.
- Duck Brand Real Cork Tape
- 10 by 10-inch ready-to-decorate wooden canvas
- Craft paint – your color choice
- Paintbrush
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Other embellishments
Start out by painting your wooden canvas with your desired color. Let the paint dry and additional coats, if necessary.
Next, cut three strips of duct tape that are 10 inches long.
Measure 1 inch from the top and bottom of the painted canvas and make a small mark with a pencil. Using this mark as your placement guide, remove the paper backing from the cork tape and place onto the board.
Next, place the third piece in the center of the board. Note: The cork tape isn’t very thick; small push pins are best and can be placed at an angle to hold the item to the brag board. If you’re worried about the pins staying in place, add a few more pieces of cork tape to each of the three rows to give more material to pin through. The wooden canvas can be hung on a wall with a centered nail or a piece of ribbon or string can be glued to the back for decorating hanging. Feel free to have your child add additional decorations to the board once the cork tape is in place!