Peeps. The sugary, holiday snack that you either adore or can’t stand. Peeps aren’t just for Easter anymore. There are pumpkin Peeps, gingerbread Peeps, rainbow Peeps and even bubblegum Peeps (if you can believe it). Even if a Peep isn’t your ideal snack, you can’t deny that some of those Peeps, specifically the bunny variety, are pretty fun to craft with – for proof, just check out this Washington Post Peeps photo contest. As you might expect, there are heart shapes for Valentine’s Day – and they’re perfect for making cards. You and your family can whip up a batch of these “sweet” valentines in no time!
- Heart Peeps
- Scrap paper for a work surface
- Craft paint
- Paintbrushes
- Premade greeting cards
- Craft or butter knife
- Additional embellishments (optional)
1. Start out by separating your Peeps from the package and slice them apart from one another. A few of the hearts may be better shaped on one side than others depending on how you cut them. That’s OK. If you’re using the same paint color for your cards, you’ll have a few extra Peeps to work with. |
2. On your scrap paper, tap the exposed marshmallow side of the Peep a few times to make it less tacky. (This makes it easier to work with.)
3. Apply a liberal amount of paint to one side of the Peep. |
4. To stamp, apply the inked Peep to your card. Don’t push down in one hard motion; tap all around the Peep to keep from smooshing it. This results in better paint distribution. Remove the Peep and let the card dry thoroughly. |
5. Each side of the heart Peep is different. When we applied a coat of lighter paint to the more sugary side of the heart, a tie-dye effect resulted when applied. When a darker paint was applied to the less sugary side, a truer, we got a deeper paint effect. It’s all about experimenting. |
6. Once dry, you can either give your card as-is – or you and your crafters can add additional embellishments. No matter the application, you’re sure to have a sweet result! |