Of the bloggers you follow, do any of them talk about going to DIY-themed conferences? Have you ever been to one? These genre-specific gatherings are fun. They provide so much valuable information – and often give you opportunities to network with other crafty individuals. I recently returned from Salt Lake City and annual SNAP! conference, an event aimed at creative bloggers. From women who write about baking to landscaping, just about anything DIY was represented over the course of three days in Utah.
More than 500 bloggers attended the 2014 SNAP! It was a mix of just about everyone – moms, new writers, brand professionals … you name it, they were there. While I was there to learn the latest and greatest from some of my favorite writers, it was also a wonderful chance to meet some favorite family-friendly brands and see what kind of new craft products and ideas they have coming our way very soon. Here are some of my highlights from my time at the conference. Make sure to keep an eye on Make It in the coming weeks for tutorials featuring some of these cool new products and ideas.
Elmer’sWe all know Elmer’s! With more paint pens than you knew what to do with, a visit to the Elmer’s booth made me want to start working on a new art project as soon as I got home. What particularly caught my eye this time around are two new foam board products – one corkboard, one chalkboard. Both pieces can be cut to a variety of shapes easily, just as any foam board would. Using Elmer’s paint pens, the chalkboard foam board takes on colorful doodling with ease. Look for both foam board products at your local Walmart. |
Duck Brand Duct Tape DucklingsQuack, quack! What a fun surprise to see mini rolls of duct tape out and about at the conference. These smaller rolls are ideal for adding detail work to projects and are great for a quick, colorful repair on items around the house. In metro Detroit, the rolls are available at local craft stores but can also be found at some familiar grocery stores like Kroger and Meijer, too. |
FloraCraft Smooth FinishDid you know that FloraCraft is a Michigan company? I had no idea! It’s located in Ludington and works with another Michigan company, Dow Chemical, to create Styrofoam for the floral craft industry. FloraCraft was demonstrating Smooth Finish, a putty-like substance that is applied to Styrofoam to make it smooth enough for painting and decorating. The final look of Smooth Finish tricks you into thinking the Styrofoam forms are anything but. |
LolliPicsThese sweet treats got a lot of double takes at the conference. LolliPics take pictures, either your own or stock, and turns them into edible images on handcrafted lollipops. During the conference, bloggers tagged their favorite Instagram pictures for LolliPics with a special hashtag and received a special lollipop with their image on it a few hours later. It was a lot of fun! These lollipops are great for baby showers, class birthdays or a unique sweet treat for the family. |
Hasbro’s DohVinciMy nephews are coming for a visit this summer, and DohVinci will be our first crafty order of business upon their arrival. The glue gun-like dispenser of Play-Doh easily makes curls and squiggles for a slightly more grown-up take on the toy classic. Some tech blogs are even calling the toy the first “handheld 3D printer for kids.” When applied to a surface and left out to dry, the dough will air dry overnight. Look for a full review of DohVinci coming to Make It in the coming weeks. |
MADE Kids Shorts WorkshopDana Willard is a mom to three adorable kids in Austin, Texas – and one amazing sewer. She specializes in fun fashions for her small family, and her Kids Shorts pattern is a popular purchase among many sewers. The simple shorts are easy to make and even easier to wear for your summer-loving children. I tried my hand at making a pair of shorts for my 6-year-old nephew and they were a breeze to assemble! Check out Dana’s blog to watch her video tutorials. You can buy that Kids Shorts pattern so you can get your family ready for summer, too. |
Freshly Picked BabyMoccasins If you don’t know about Freshly Picked yet, get ready to be wowed. These moccasins were designed by frustrated mom Susan Petersen. She couldn’t find a shoe that would stay on her babies’ feet, so she started sewing scraps of leather together in an attempt to make a solution. Several years and an appearance on Shark Tank later, Susan’s |