Your kids don’t have to wait for their elementary school’s field day to have an action-packed blast. Try these simple field day flavored events. If you let your children know you’re willing to sponsor a mini field day at home, chances are they won’t have any trouble coming up with plenty more games to add!
1. Pillow tag. Gather up several pillows or soft stuffed animals in a laundry basket. One person (or more) runs from one end of the room to the other, while the other person (or people) try to tag “out” the runner by throwing a pillow at him or her. Make sure the tagger, who must stay stationary, is several feet away from where the person will be running. Swap positions, so that everyone gets a turn to toss and run.
2. Cotton ball dash. The object of this game is to see who can blow the cotton ball to the end of the raceway the fastest. Mark the starting line and the finish line with tape or simple paper signs. Have each player crouch down with her head near the starting line. Place a cotton ball in front of each. On ‘go,’ players blow the cotton ball to the finish line.
3. Glow-in-the-dark animal toss. Buy glow-in-the-dark bracelets from a nearby arts and crafts supply store. Have your children attach the glowing sticks to the edges of a laundry basket. Place the “glowing” basket in a windowless or shaded room, like the basement. Give each player a pile of stuffed animals, balls, pillows (or a combination) to throw into the basket. Turn the lights out. On ‘go,’ players try to get as many objects into the basket as possible.