The beloved and adorable song-singing chipmunks arrive in Detroit with their show Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Musical, Oct. 30, 2015, along with special guests The Chipettes. The show brings an evening of hit songs and excitement in its rock concert. Fans of all ages enjoy these two shows, happening on one day only.
The Chipmunks believe they are preparing to perform at a fundraiser to save a dairy farm in New York, which was once where Woodstock took place, put on by former nemesis Ian Hawke. However, Ian may be up to something. The Chipmunks and Chipettes face a turn of hilarious events as they make their way to Woodstock. Witness incidents like a food fight and a breakdancing competition – done “old-school.”
The Chipmunks sing hit singles from stars including Elvis Presley and Carly Rae Jepsen, and perform their new original song “Are You Ready For Chipmunks?” In what’s being called a “once-in-a-lifetime musical experience” by the Daily Orange, the show features special effects, live action costumes and world-class production.
It’s a perfect fun family affair. Tickets range $19-$40 and are available through Ticketmaster. Shows are at 2 and 5:30 p.m.
For more details on Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Musical at the Fox Theatre in Detroit – and more family musicals in southeast Michigan – visit the Metro Parent calendar.