They do it on the stairs, on the floor, in the car and even in boxes. Yes, kids sleep everywhere! And the site of them catching some z’s is oh-so-sweet. Flip through this gallery of sleeping beauties. One lucky winner will receive a $25 gift card.
Just One More Bite
Keep It Down, Please
Peaceful Little Baby
All Played Out
Cuddle Buddies
Mid Photo Session Nap
Sleeping Sweetheart
Snuggled Up and Cozy
Summertime Nap
Sleepy Baby
Back Seat Sleeper
Passed Out
Quiet Time
Sisters and Best Friends
Party In My Crib
Napping Natalie
The Joys of Twinhood
Taking a Break
Santa, Baby
Resistant Napper
Chi-Town Crashing
Who Needs a Bed?
Boxed Up Babe
Dozing Daisy
Night, Night Disney
Tired Twins
Hotel Room Snooze
Life is Good
Think Outside the Box
In Daddy’s Arms
Cuddling Cuties
What’s He Dreaming?
Little Angel
Sleeping Twins
Curled Up Cutie
Puppy Love
Snuggled Up
Zonked Out
Sleeping Sisters
Two Peas in a Pod
Head’s Down
Sleeping Beauty
Sleep, Little Baby
Play Hard, Crash Hard
Napping Newborn
Car Seat Napping
Daddy’s Girl
Newborn Napper
Bedtime Stories
Too Much Excitement
Keep Holding On
A Furry Pillow
Food Coma
Shopping or Sleep?
Stairway Slumber
Two Minutes Too Early
Pillow Pet