Your Top Kids Health Questions Answered!


Keeping your children safe and healthy is a parent’s main responsibility. But knowing how to do that isn’t always easy. Sometimes there is conflicting or misguided advice when it comes to children’s health issues. Sometimes you just don’t know the answer until your child experiences a health issue ­— and you aren’t sure where to turn to get sound guidance. That’s why Metro Parent has teamed up with Henry Ford Health, one of southeast Michigan’s premier health care providers, to help. We’ll tackle some of the top kids health questions parents have in “Your Top Kids Health Questions ­— Answered!” Check back often for new topics and expert health advice for children of all ages. Plus, get more great health tips at Henry Ford Health’s ParentWell blog.

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Child and Teen Health Questions

Whether it’s your active third-grader who pleads for more screen time or your sullen teen who begs to be left alone, you’ve got questions when it comes to some of the top kids health issues for older children. Luckily, the health pros at Henry Ford Health have the answers. Explore their expert answers to common child and teen health questions, and return back here to learn more.

Does your child struggle with anxiety?

A Henry Ford Health expert shares strategies to help anxious kids cope and thrive.

Car seat questions? We have answers

What car seat is the best for your child’s age, height and weight? A Henry Ford Health pediatrician offers a comprehensive guide.

Could my child have Crohn’s disease?

An increasing number of kids are being diagnosed with Crohn’s, especially middle schoolers and younger teens. A Henry Ford Health pediatric gastroenterologist gives insight to diagnosis and treatment.

What to do when your child has the flu

Flu can be serious, so prepare yourself with the facts. Experts from Henry Ford Health share insights and treatments.

What is autism masking?

Autism masking is common — but what does it mean? A doctor from Henry Ford Health explains what is, when it’s a problem and how to support kids and teens coping with ASD and masking behaviors.

What’s a healthy way to teach kids about germs?

Teach your kids Germs 101 with help from a pediatric expert at Henry Ford Health.

The top summer dangers for kids?

A Henry Ford Health expert shares ways to keep the focus on fun this summer while avoiding common health and safety pitfalls.

What are some healthy drinks for kids besides water?

Kids crave soda pop, sports drinks and fruit juice for a flavor kick, but are some alternative water options better than others?  Experts at Henry Ford Health offer advice.

Are vaccines safe for your child?

For decades, children have received vaccines to prevent childhood illnesses. Not all vaccines work the same way, so what what are different types and how do they work? Find out from a Henry Ford Health pediatrician.

Is it OK for kids to take a mental health day?

Growing up can be hard – particularly for kids today. And sometimes kids just want to take a break from peer pressures of school to de-stress. Is that OK? A Henry Ford expert why mental health days for kids can be beneficial.

Stomach flu, influenza or cold?

Your child calls out to you in middle of the night. They are sweaty and nauseated. Is it something they ate? Is it the flu? Find out what’s causing your child’s upset stomach — and what can you do to help them feel better.

Effects of too much screen time?

Kids are on their iPads, iPhones and other electronic devices more and more lately. What is the fallout? Find out how much is too much screen time for kids and why it matters.

Protect kids from tick bites?

Tick season is raging this year. And since these little buggers can cause Lyme disease, parents need to be aware. Find out what you can do to steer clear of ticks this year.

Starting puberty early or late? 

Determining the average age for anything in a child isn’t always easy. Health professionals usually offer a range since kids develop a little differently. That’s true for puberty, too. But what should you know if your child enters puberty early or later? Find out why puberty can get out of sync and how to help kids cope.

What to do if you find out your teen is having sex?

It’s hard to imagine our little ones grown up enough that they could be sexually active – but we all know it’s a reality. So, what do we do – how do we respond – if we find out they have crossed that line in development? Find out why your preparation for this moment and reaction can have a huge impact. 

Importance of annual health exams?

Busy lives. Doctor-phobic kids. Lack of health insurance. There are lots of reasons why parents skip taking their seemingly healthy children for an annual wellness exam. Find out why it’s a good idea for your child to see a pediatrician every year, even if they seem perfectly healthy.

Signs teen is depressed?

Teens can be moody, emotional and withdrawn in general, so it’s not always easy to see the obvious signs of depression. But it’s very important. According to the CDC, suicide is one of the leading causes of teen death — and parents often don’t see the signs. Find out what to look for to identify depression in your child.

How do you talk to kids about their weight? 

Just bringing up a child’s weight issue can cause more harm than good. It’s a touchy subject and shame doesn’t help. Find out how to talk to your kids about their weight and healthy eating habits.

How to prevent dry winter skin?

Kids are not immune to the harsh realities of winter weather. In addition to catching cold, kids can also struggle with dry winter skin. Find out what you can do to prevent your kids’ beautiful skin from being ravaged by the cold weather.

How can I help my child enjoy healthy food?

Sure, you could sneak veggies in mac ‘n cheese or brownies, but how do you get kids to genuinely enjoy fruits, veggies and other healthier food options? It’s not easy but a Henry Ford expert offers some advice for improving your child’s eating habits.

What’s the difference between a sports physical and an annual exam?

You’ve got to get your kids a sports physical asap, but, wait, does that mean you can skip this year’s annual exam? Not so fast! A Henry Ford expert explains why a sports physical and an annual exam are different.

How to help kids adjust to daylight savings time?

Parents know that daylight savings time can wreak havoc on our kids’ sleep schedule. And while we can wish we didn’t have to “spring forward” every year, it’s an inevitable, annual reality. Here, a Henry Ford expert offers tips for helping kids adjust to the time change.

How to prevent sports injuries in kids? 

Your child is playing competitive sports, but you’ve got some worries. You’re not alone! A Henry Ford expert offers advice in helping to prevent sports injuries in your active child. 

Do kids need to use sunscreen? 

Once we hit a certain age, we know that we’re all better off slathering on the SPF every day before leaving the house. But what about kids? A Henry Ford expert weighs in on whether kids should wear sunscreen every day. 

How to help teens cope with acne 

Zits truly are the pits – particularly for self-conscience teens. A Henry Ford expert offers advice to parents in how to help your teen treat and cope with acne.

Should kids take vitamin supplements? 

If your child eats a healthy diet – or at least a somewhat healthy diet – do they need to take a multivitamin? And what about vitamin D or C? Should they load up on those too? A Henry Ford expert offers parents advice on kids and vitamins. 

How do you talk to kids about sex in the digital age?

Technology has complicated “The Talk.” A pediatrician from Henry Ford Health offers expert advice.

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Baby and Toddler Health Questions

Whether it’s your swaddled little angel or your tyrannical toddler, you’ve got questions when it comes to some of the top kids health issues for younger children. Fortunately, the health pros at Henry Ford Health have the answers. Discover their expert answers to baby and toddler health questions, and visit often for more.

How to avoid toddler constipation?

What can you do when your toddler won’t go? A Henry Ford Health pediatrician offers advice.

When does your baby’s spit up become a problem?

Is your baby spitting up too much? It could be infant reflux. A Henry Ford Health pediatrician explains warning signs and how to manage it.

How to tame toddler tantrums?

Toddler tantrums are a part of childhood, but parents can learn how to help their child through them without losing their cool. A Henry Ford Health pediatrician who is also a parent offers tips and strategies to help you cope.

Can you prevent picky eating?

You can take steps to prevent picky eating as soon as you start your child on solid food! A pediatrician from Henry Ford Health shares insights and tips on getting your kids to eat a variety of foods from an early age.

How to care for a newborn’s umbilical cord? 

Freaked out by your baby’s umbilical cord? No need to be! We have you covered with how to care for a newborn’s umbilical cord – and when it should fall off.

Why do babies drop objects?

It’s a universal truth – infants love to drop things. Maybe they are all little Issac Newtons discovering gravity, but it’s a pain the you-know for parents. Find out why they do this and how you should respond. 

Why delay bathing baby?

One of the first puzzling thing parents find out about their newborns is that you aren’t supposed to bathe them right away. What??? Yep, but there is a good reason. Find out why delaying baths for babies is good for them thanks to some big benefits in vernix caseosa (aka baby goop).

Why do toddlers ‘rock’?

Seeing your toddler rock back and forth in place can be a big worry for parents. But rest assured, it doesn’t necessarily mean your child has autism or some other developmental issue. Find out what can cause toddlers to rock — and we don’t mean musically.

Preventing diaper rash?

If your baby never got a case of diaper rash, count yourself among the lucky few. For most parents of little ones, diaper rash is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do to prevent it. Find out how to minimize diaper rash risk for your baby.

Normal baby development? 

It’s a classic concern of new parents – how do they know if their child is reaching those developmental milestones at the right time? And how do they help foster their proper development? Find out how to ensure your baby’s development is on track. 

How to stop toddler from getting out of bed? 

You got them tucked into bed, read them a bedtime story and they FINALLY drifted off to sleep. If only your toddler stayed in bed throughout the night! Find out how you can stop those middle of the night wake-ups for your little ones.

What do your baby’s expressions mean? 

Is a baby’s smile really a smile or is it just gas? It’s a common question of new parents. Find out if baby’s can feel an array of emotion – fear, surprise, joy – or if all those darling expressions are meaningless. 

Why do babies start head butting? 

Around 20 percent of babies start slamming their heads on walls, tables … siblings. Find out why and what should you do about your baby’s head-butting habit.

How to choose a doctor for your newborn?

You want the best for your baby, and that includes the best health care and doctor. Find out how to choose the right pediatrician for your baby – and you! 

How to solve toddler sleep problems?

You expect some sleepless nights with your newborn, but with toddlerhood, shouldn’t those days be over? Not necessarily. Here, we offer some tips for the most common toddler sleep challenges parents face. 

Does eczema in my baby mean other allergies will follow?

Dr. Amy Eapen from Henry Ford Health explains new findings on the connection between eczema and allergies.

Is your baby ready to try solid foods? 

Here are top tips from a Henry Ford health pediatrician.

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Henry Ford Health, one of the nation’s leading health care providers, is committed to improving the health and well-being of our diverse Michigan community. It is comprised of hospitals, medical centers and one of the nation’s largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. The System’s flagship, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a Level 1 Trauma Center recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, multi-organ transplants and cancer treatment.