Anasie Tayyen

Anasie Tayyen

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How to Give Your Social Media a Clean Up

Colleges and universities look at students' digital presence, so it's important that future students give their social media a cleanup. Here's how.

My Husband and I Both Caught COVID-19. Our Family Pulled Through.

Anasie Tayyen, a West Bloomfield mom of three, survived a harrowing several weeks with the coronavirus including separation, anxiety and, ultimately, faith.

Back-to-School Shopping In Store vs. Online

A metro Detroit mom struggles with whether to do back-to-school shopping in-store or online. Here's why she opted to take her kids to shop for their own supplies.

Yes, Parents Should be Friends With Their Teens

Anasie Tayyen, a West Bloomfield mom of three, says that she believes in 'friendly parenting' and is friends with her kids, but not BFFs.

Why Kids Should Not Have Cellphones Before Age 12

This West Bloomfield mom of three says cellphones expose kids to too much, too soon.

Snapchat Filters and Tween Self-Esteem

A mother concerned with her daughter's Snapchat use turns to a child and adolescent psychiatrist for advice.