Home 2017


Jostle around your standard decor, reconnect with family and unleash some holiday tension with these jolly idea joggers.
The 12-year-old from Bloomfield Hills launched Michigan's first branch of the national nonprofit Samaritans365 at her school.

Holiday Rebel

Metro Parent's editor-in-chief shares her thoughts on holiday traditions.

Architecture for Kids

Meet the Detroit mom who won a $50,000 grant for her 'Art and Architecture: Changing Our Cities Through Our Youth' program.
Maggie, of Birmingham, asks and Mike of Premier Pet Supply has the answer.
When it comes to meaningful gifts, nothing tops a Michigan Education Trust contract. Here's why.
Plus, stats and facts on kids' fave books, snow squalls and blanket shortages.
Use your waffle iron to make this healthier version of falafel at home. Here's the how-to.
A Highland mom of two dishes about her family business and shares her recipe for peppermint cream pie.
Dear all-Christmas-music-radio-station: It's not you – it's us. Well, maybe it's you. If you're burned out on the standards, try these 11 alternate tunes.