Whether grandparents live near or far from their grandchildren, making a connection isn’t as simple as just some face-to-face time.
There are a lot of fun things the kids can do with their grandpa and grandma during a visit. Here are a few ideas. Plus, get advice on how to help your grandkids connect with grandpa and grandma.
Coupon book
Have your child make up a coupon book of activities he wants to do with his grandparents.
Activities could be anything from “read a book together” to “play a song on the piano for grandpa.”
Have your child send the coupon book before your visit and then encourage grandparents to find a quiet moment to redeem each coupon.
Date night
Let your child go out on her own special date with a grandparent.
She can choose the restaurant and the activity. Work with her to select a restaurant and activity that’s a good fit for everyone – both her and her grandparent.
Show memories
Reserve a night to have grandparents go through their scrapbooks with your kids (where appropriate for their ages).
On another night, let your kids do the same and share their pictures – online or otherwise – with grandparents.
Hold a talent show
Let your children set up a talent show where everyone has to participate.
Talents can include everything from singing a song or a dance performance to telling jokes or showing off a Pokémon card collection.
Game showdown
Play games together. Besides board games, come up with your own charades – each person fills out two or three different charade cards all on a theme, say family movies or popular cartoon characters. Then divide into two teams and let the silliness ensue.
This post was originally published in 2013 and is updated occasionally.